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Jenny De Lacy - individual marketing mentoring

Join the Thought Leader Accelerator 

Personalised content strategy & planning,  accountability, resources & tools to accelerate your thought leadership, attract your ideal clients and achieve your goals

Thought leaders:

  • are contributors - sharing meaningful and valuable content that helps people avoid mistakes and achieve better outcomes

  • know their ideal clients intimately, their challenges, dreams, fears, beliefs

  • have empathy for the problems experienced by their clients and seek to solve them

  • have authority to solve those problems (and aren't afraid to share it)

  • have personality to attract, engage, educate and inspire their ideal clients

If that sounds like you,  but you're not quite sure how to use content marketing to make it all happen:.

You're in the right place - welcome to the

Thought Leader Accelerator 12 week intensive

you want a content action plan that directly links your content to your strategic goals

you want instructions and know-how to simplify the process of content creation and posting

Stuck for ideas for your content?

you want idea generation and specific how-tos

group support and accountability

you want support and accountability to implement your thought leadership plan and achieve your goals

you want to create the right content and not waste time on guesswork and self-doubt

thought leadership accelerator with Jenny De Lacy

Here's what you get

Personalised Thought Leadership Content Strategy

Group Based Q&A twice each month

Templates and resources to simplify the content creation process

Monthly content creation co-working

Group support to amplify the reach and engagement for your online content

Fast and simple content creation techniques that will amplify your message and influence

The Accelerator -
how it works

Click Enquire Now and submit your interest in the Thought Leader Accelerator

Jump on a call with me to see if the Thought Leader Accelerator is right for you

If it's a yes, you'll receive your booking link for our one to one strategy and planning call, and access to the group and resources

Resources for multiple platforms and formats that can support your thought leadership with a specific focus on website blogs, LinkedIn and Google Business Profile to maximise reach and return on your time investment

Thought Leader Accelerator

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Custom content plan created together one to one to kick off your 12 weeks

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12 weeks to focus on your content marketing and though leadership

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Two Q&A sessions every month held on zoom and recorded

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Content Coworking together online each month

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Dedicated LinkedIn group to share your content, ask questions and find support from other business folk

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Comprehensive startup guides, content templates and resources, masterclasses, and prescriptions for content types across platforms to use as you need them

though leader accelerator with Jenny De Lacy

Is this for you?

You're resourceful and have a can-do attitude to take action on your marketing

You're not a beginner at social media but know you want to improve and get better results

You have clear goals and a commitment to your ideal client and the promise you make them

You're tired of the time wasting and want a tailored solution you can implement

You're purpose driven and want to take action but keep procrastinating because you want to get it RIGHT and you're not sure what that is

You want to be known for something and you're going to commit to creating content to achieve it

happy client reviews

Miles Primrose, Business Sight

As a small business owner, it's not what it costs you, it's about what it can cost you if you get the wrong person helping you. Jenny is the right person 100%, hands down, if you need anything digital for your business, Videos, Creative Copy, Images, anything at all speak to Jenny De Lacy

Lisa Stafford Buyers Agent

Lisa Stafford
Buyers Agent & Vendor Advocate

Thank you Jenny for all the work you have done for me to help get my message out to the right people. You've made my marketing seem easy.

If you're in need of a marketing strategy that attracts the right clients you must speak with Jenny. Her ability to work with a team and create an effective plan will make all the difference..


Di Riepsamen,
Wild at ART kids

I am 15 months into business and my social media posting has been ad-hoc, experimental and hoping for the best. One strategy session with Jenny and I have clarity, focus, messaging and a direction to head in - a clear purpose for my content that aligns with my business goals. PLUS, I can come back to the process and repeat it as my goals and needs change. Thanks Jenny - it was a powerful, efficient and jam packed with GOLD session.

thought leader accelerator talking digital

Who can be a thought leader?

Someone who's expertise and knowledge in their industry or niche can help others

Service based business professionals, coaches, consultants & practitioners

B2B marketers creating their own content

Someone with a clear stance or opinion about their industry or niche

A business that creates their content in-house


No more guesswork.  Gain clarity,  confidence and know-how to get your content marketing working for you FAST,  and accelerate your visibility, attract your ideal clients and achieve you goals
Still have questions? Email us here:

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